this collection focuses on texture and contrast. the subtle and bold characters, color, texture and drama borrowed from canvas and silk. woven, frayed, knotted and layered to create a saga that fits within the margins of my canvas frame.

experiments with media
this journey began with wanting more from textures than the fabrics itself. marbling became that binding agent that brought the two mediums together. either way, it became the background for the two mediums to shine and bond over.

my breathing space.

there is beauty in simplicity. basic shapes take on a life of their own when you look at them, like they read your mind and reflect your feelings. i see people when i am the only one in the house, sometimes an indian family who doesn’t believe in space, fragments of ideas coming together to show you the whole picture when i’m thinking. it’s actually pretty magical.

this was for my son, who told me very seriously, “mommy, i love that you do these projects. but you need to make something real. i don’t really get what you do, like, i see one thing one day and one thing two minutes later. i want to not be confused any more”.
this was a point when contrast met contrast, in my mind. the goal was to try something cold and hard and represent it with soft and warm. the effect of marble and the veins of the stone in frayed silk.
experiment in blue
this piece was the brother to the red one. meant to be a partner, it stood out just fine on it’s own.
the beginning
this is where this journey began, silk on canvas. there was a phase where i was very convinced that the purpose of my life was to make hand- embroidered bags. the bag-making kinda wasn’t as exciting as it started out to be and i was stuck with all this silk. also a wall or two, so all i needed was canvas and a vision. something time consuming so that i could lose time in it. silk tassels = soft = feathers.
my son and i picked up a bunch of canvases, a few multi-packs where three or four were packaged together. he was very happy to see the pristine, white, perfect pieces and couldn’t wait for me to get started. showed him this when he got home from school and he goes, “mommy! you ruined a perfect canvas! you TORE it! what do you have to say for yourself?!!”.
a bunch of holes held together by strings of fabric
the happiness of the time of year, doubled by the fact that i could layer- my thoughts, the fabrics and multiple materials.
this piece was inspired by the ripples in water. its like a net, where everything connects, distances itself and dissolves. the idea of weaving silk came from here, and it was here to stay.
i like to think of this piece as a window. sure it looks like a cage, but it isn’t canvas- opaque and unrelenting. it lets the sunlight through, and probably a piece of the sky.
experiments have lead to color, texture, different mediums, fabrics, and now size. and also, does a canvas always need to fill the frame?